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Doctoral Students in Clinical Psychology

The Clinic for Emotional Health (CEH) is one of two training clinics affiliated with the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at the University of Kentucky. CEH is a clinical science training site directed by three core clinical faculty (Dr. Tom Adams, Dr. Christal Badour, and Dr. Shannon Sauer-Zavala) who are all invested in providing hands-on mentorship, training, and supervision of doctoral students in the integration of science and practice. 

CEH faculty serve as primary research mentors for doctoral students whose interests align closely with the research emphasis of one or more of the CEH research groups. Although students typically identify a research home within one of the three CEH groups, collaboration across the Clinic is highly encouraged and valued. 

Clinical practicum opportunities at CEH are designed to promote the development of clinical scientists by providing doctoral students with opportunities to gain experience conducting structured and semi-structured psychodiagnostic assessments and delivering time-limited empirically-supported and evidence-based treatments for specific emotional disorders including depression, anxiety and related disorders (including OCD and PTSD), and borderline personality disorder. Opportunities are also available to serve as assessors and therapists as part of ongoing clinical research studies. Each week, practicum students also engage in supervision, CEH staffing and case presentations, and CEH practicum seminar, which involves didactic training in implementation of empirically-supported and evidence-based treatments. Students from the University of Kentucky Clinical Psychology doctoral program are eligible to apply for the practicum.